Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Dog Days of Marketing?

This month's Straight to the Point post will be short, as I'm sure most of you want skip over this part and click on links to five awesome marketing articles.

What caught my eye in the past month?
  1. Survey: HubSpot is top automation solution in satisfaction, market presence, FierceMarketing
  2. How We Grew Conversions 100% by Rethinking Our Design Strategy, Groove
  3. Case Study: Quantifying the Value of Marketing, Sales Benchmark Index
  4. 53 Drip Campaign Emails With An Above 40% Open Rate, Hubspot
  5. How to Promote Your Content Like a Boss, Sweet Fish Media
Want to learn more about Honeycomb and how we are helping our clients address their strategic and tactical marketing priorities? Feel free to email me at